Thursday, February 12, 2015

Philippines' Paradise

We visited the famous Puerto Princesa last January 21-25, 2015 wherein we witness its beauty and richness. We have to say it’s a once in a lifetime experience that we will never forget and forever will be treasured to see this beautiful site that constantly made its name known all over the world. Some of share our experience in one of the most beautiful tourist spots of the Philippines and probably in the world too.

Julius Bojos quoted:
"When we had a tour of Palawan I had two of the best experience. First are those trips to the Underground River in Puerto Princesa and second is the island hoping to Honda Bay. This two tourist spots in Palawan are the most visited places. Being loved in this island paradise is an unforgettable experience because of those bodies of water that I encountered, it is very fertile or it is not damaged by any kind of human distractions, they are very fresh as you can drink the water from it directly."

Almira Aure mentioned:
"I can say that those bodies of water in Puerto Princesa specifically in Honda Bay are really clean its color was blue and even dark blue which is really pleasing into the eyes. Like other beaches it is salty as well but at least you don’t have to worry when you drink some of it unintentionally because you don’t see some diapers floating or any human waste. It is well taken care off. Snorkeling is a way to see fishes underwater and we’ve got the chance to experience it there and saw lots and lots of fishes and corals which just show that it is still a safe water. The waters in Underground River are green maybe because of the plants down there however it is still considered clean. Yet I can say that the best thing about it is you can’t smell any foul smell or see any floating things."

Meriedith Umlas cited:
"There is no doubt why the Puerto Princesa, Palawan Underground River is one of the 7 wonders of the world. Palawan is surrounded by beautiful scene and clean surrounding. There is never a moment where you will be upset about the place because everywhere you look, everywhere you go you’ll be amazed by its beauty. One of the best things in Palawan is the clean water. In every island or beach you go, you will be in love with the clear and blue water of Palawan. Also, you’ll be amazed how the people of Palawan protect some water bodies because in some places tourists are not allowed to swim for water’s protection. One of the tour guide of the underground river said that most of the fresh water in the underground river is mixed with salt water because of the small openings in the underground. As a result, some shells are living on the bottom of the rock formations."

There is one thing in common about our experiences, we are amaze on how beautiful one island could be when people know its worth and takes care of its beauty. We may not see as much scenery as it have but we can say that it is really a beautiful that we can never ever forget the feels it give.